15 Blunt And Explicitly True Reasons Why You Got Friendzoned (3 of 5)



He wants to date someone, just not your type

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With the variety of humans on this planet, no two have the same thinking mindset, which leads to the formation of opinions. Like, in general, taller guys have more desirability compared to the shorter guys, while a confident orator will have the whole school praising him. While there are also some, whose overfriendliness may be irritating to some folks.

The general idea is that different people have different preferences regarding the type of person they want to date. If my ideas and your ideas don’t match, we better remain far off from each other. Sure enough, you and I can spend time and hangout, but when it comes to a romantic relationship, we better not heat ourselves.

Such preferences and opinions make a person stubborn. We tend to select from the limited list of friends. This will have us in our comfort zone. Leaving that comfort zone is very difficult, like your guy friend will be comfortable spending time with you, however, asking him for a romantic relationship will lead him to go in panic mode. In general, one keeps their preferences fixed and will date such a person only, while friendzoning other people.



Your past is plundering your current life

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Some people (here could be your crush), like your friends & society, are pretty well aware of your past relationships. Generally, rumors fly around the society regarding one’s relationship status and latest ongoings. Thus, there may be rumors of you being a possessive psycho who went berserk at the tiniest mention of a breakup. Also, there could be rumors of you being prudent and going on a spree of hookups. You and your good friends know that these rumors are bullshit; however, it has a negative impression on others, especially your crush.

A person with a rough history with relationships, generally tends to get friendzoned more often. People are afraid about the thought of getting involved with you, fearing that you’ll show your true colors and will mess them up. Now the challenge is on your part, on how you’ll wash off the rumors and doubts for the concerned person. However, remember to never lose your dignity. You can try hard, but never too much, as that may question your morality. Sometimes it’s better to search prospects among entirely new people who are not in touch with your history.



You were too late to express your love

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From the day you met him, you liked him instantly. Day by day, with more time spent together, and memories created, you started loving him. But, you, being paranoid of rejection, never expressed your love and thoughts.

You always convinced yourself for knowing him better than him knowing you. During this whole time, the feeling of love and attraction may be mutual at some point. But due to your laziness and fear, his feeling has moved on from you and is no longer connected with that of yours. And when you finally propose and confess your love for him, he throws you straight to the friendzone.

If only you would have said it a bit earlier, he would have avoided the relationship in which he is right now. Moreover, your waiting for so long creates a bubble of doubt that makes him intrigued about you. He may also assume your proposal to be a prank played on him. You should not shy away from the fear of consequences, and be straightforward in this, as you will be the one to suffer the most.