10 Recent and Current World Leaders Who Dress to Impress

10 Recent and Current World Leaders Who Dress to Impress

Their clothes should inspire confidence, not distraction. The best leaders find a balance between classic silhouettes and subtle touches that reflect their personal style or national heritage.

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15 Most Beautiful Blue Dresses In Cinema

15 Most Beautiful Blue Dresses In Cinema

Blue is a beautiful color no matter the occasion. It’s such a serene and peaceful color that creates an air of calm and collectedness. Blue is seen so often in cinema because it is a wonderful color to work with. There is so much versatility in this color, and can accommodate a number of different feelings and moods. Zhang Ziyi wore a stunning geisha dress that was like being transported back in time. Emma Watson wore a cute apron dress as Belle in ‘’La La Land!,’’ directed by Damien Chazelle. Michelle Pfeiffer wore a blue silk dress with an open back and a dizzying slit from the top of the thigh to the ankle.

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