15 Blunt And Explicitly True Reasons Why You Got Friendzoned (4 of 5)



For him, Friendship is more important than Love

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Now, this is the red zone in the domain of friendzone itself, as there is either success or a shattering failure that may ruin your friendship for life. This is usually not a typical case, but rather sensitive than usual.

Having been friends with someone creates a familial connection with that person over time. At first, you never think of him/her as any prospective boyfriend/girlfriend, but eventually and unknowingly you start loving them. But now, it’s pretty much more than late than ever to propose. At this point, it’s rather a confession than a proposal. If after all this time, you suddenly express your love; you’re going to get friendzoned like a bat hitting the ball for a straight home-run, you being the ball, their love being the bat.

If at all you desperately want a relationship, you should walk out of the friendzone, as no more here you can have a prospect in love again. Otherwise, you can remain in the friendzone and wait for the day when your feelings get a reply back.



Your crush has another crush who is not you

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This is a sensitive domain. This is where all the movie stereotypes turn out to be true. Just the way you get obsessed with someone, equally likely, they may also have a hard crush on someone else, thus creating a complicated triangle.

Your crush may be completely magnificent and sweep you off your ground, nonetheless, that does not give you any right to interfere in his life. By that, we mean his personal life. You may try your way, however, never sabotage their situation to your benefit. This will scar your image and well enough to make you an invader in their land. Even after you get to know that your crush has a crush on someone else, you being the good person must refrain from any false accusations. Doing anything unjust will sabotage your friendship and also lower your morals. You may have lost an opportunity, but forget not this world is a big pool and you are a great swimmer, who will develop better, new, & progressive records in it.



Your voice irritates him and does not click with his persona

Tune Out The Noise, Forehead, Hand, Arm, Watch, Eye, Muscle, Eyelash, Flash photography, Jaw, Dress shirt

This is an underrated domain that many people don’t think about. A fine example is from the TV series “FRIENDS”, where Chandler has had many girlfriends. Among them, two are Janice & Monica. Remember how shrieking Janice’s laugh was compared to Monica. Janice was sweet and caring; however, her voice was what made her annoying, and ultimately Chandler friendzoned her.

Similarly, the way a person sounds also affects their prospect in the dating domain. One can imagine the effect of sound by thinking about how long they can tolerate it in their life. Like for a girl who talks a lot, people refrain from talking to her as she may irritate you from within, with her voice. One’s voice can be deep, cringey, high-pitch. Although this category is a shallow parameter to judge a person, it exists and can be worked upon. There are various physical practices like breathing through the belly, slowing speech speed, voice modulation, etc. that are capable of bringing change in one’s voice.