10 Shows That Feature Female Antagonists We Cheer For

Once upon a time, TV dramas and action shows featured protagonists whom you rooted for because they believed in justice. They fought off the baddies who had bad intentions. But these days things are no longer as clear-cut. Many series are led by flawed antagonists who are motivated by their own self-interests.

While men tended to dominate these shows in the past, we’re now seeing a trend where women who make mistakes and lead imperfect lives are the ones we want to see succeed. It could be characters looking to gain power or femme Fatales who eliminate their enemies to reach their goals. Here are 10 series where the main focus is on female antagonists.

Claire Underwood, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Sleeve, Gesture

House of Cards

What comes to mind when you think of House of Cards? Kevin Spacey, right? Well, that’s kind of awkward. Fortunately, the show also focuses on other important characters including Claire Underwood, played by Robin Wright. She’s entirely in this for herself, and as the audience we’re totally fine with that. This was especially true in the 6th and final season after Spacey had been given the boot due to allegations of sexual misconduct.