10 Shows That Feature Female Antagonists We Cheer For (2 of 6)

Killing Eve Show, Hairstyle

Killing Eve

Starring Canadian-born actress Sandra Oh, who is of South Korean descent, Killing Eve was praised for both its diversity and content friendly towards the LGBT community. She portrayed a secret British agent who had to fend off a world-class assassin. Because of their devotion to Oh’s character, a lot of viewers were sad when the show came to an end after only 4 seasons (although unlike the American series, British shows tend to only last a few seasons by design).

Rebecca Bunch, Joint, Lip, Shoulder, Eyelash, Neck, Sleeve, Smile, Lipstick

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

If you’ve watched this romantic comedy musical drama, it’s most likely because you’re a fan of Rebecca Bunch, (played by Rachel Bloom, who is also a co-creator of the show). It’s not so much that she’s an awful person, but she definitely has her flaws. For instance, following her ex-boyfriend to the other side of the country to spite him. The way she frequently makes mistakes (as we all do) but then learns who she is as a result is a rarity when it comes to TV shows. This is why we want to see her do well and find happiness.