11 Fruits Often Mistaken For Vegetables (3 of 3)

Progesterone Increase Progesterone Foods, Food, Fruit

9. Avocado

A superfood known to many, but did you know that avocado is a fruit? At this point in the article, I doubt I even need to tell you why. If you need another hint, it pertains to that big brown ball in the middle of the avocado itself. One could almost call it a seed. Yeah, that’s right. No exceptions to this rule.

Grilled Cherry Tomatoes, Food, Plant, Fruit, Ingredient, Recipe, Baked goods

10. Tomato

What other things can we think of that have seeds within the object itself? Oh, that’s right, only one of the most used vegetables-that-apparently-also-is-a-fruit in the world! That’s right, tomatoes are 110% fruit, so the next time your mother tells you to eat your fruit, just have a tomato! It’s basically water anyway.

Zucchini, Food, Green, Natural foods, Ingredient, Squash

11. Zucchini

Surprise, surprise… zucchini is also a fruit. Just like pumpkins and cucumbers, they’re considered a type of berry!