8 Wellness Retreats To Reset Your Body And Mind

Wellness retreats are becoming increasingly popular as people seek ways to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and recharge their batteries. These retreats offer a variety of activities and services designed to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By providing a peaceful environment, healthy food, exercise, and stress-reducing activities, wellness retreats can help to reduce stress, improve sleep, increase energy, promote weight loss, and improve mood. If you’re feeling stressed, tired, or overwhelmed, a wellness retreat may be the perfect way to recharge and improve your overall well-being. Here is a list of eight highly recommended wellness weeks and retreats from around the world to book in 2023. 

Washington School House Hotel, Sky, Cloud, Daytime, Snow, Building, Mountain, Blue, Window, World, House

1. Recharge Yourself at the Washington School House in Park City

A weekend of mountain exploration, rejuvenation, and relaxation awaits you when you book a trip at the posh Washington School House in Park City, Utah. This luxury boutique hotel features twelve rooms that are just the right size to get some quality shuteye, but the real appeal is all of the outdoor activities you can partake in, such as fly-fishing in the summer and ice skating, sleigh riding, and skiing in the winter. You can also book a 90-minute in-room massage courtesy of Aura Spa, a partner of the hotel.