7 Things to Be Honest and Upfront With Every Time (2 of 4)

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Your motives and intentions

When you first begin dating someone, be very clear on what you are hoping will happen in the situation. This means being honest about your overall dating goals in general. When you are not open about what you want from people, it can come off like you are hiding something. This could make them feel like they may end up being lied to, taken advantage of or even used. And while hiding your intentions may not feel like lying, it is a form of dishonesty because it is deceptive and misleading. 

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What values are most important to you

Controversial topics like politics and religion may not be the first things you want to discuss when dating. But there are other core beliefs that you can talk about initially that will help you understand if you align as people. It is vital to know what is important to the other person: what makes them tick; what gets them out of bed in the morning; what makes them happy or feel fulfilled. Knowing these kinds of things will help you understand who they are at their core.