10 Strong Signs That a Couple Share an Unspoken Mutual Attraction (2 of 6)

Girl, Smile, Tableware, Purple, Flash photography

They commit minute details to memory

Another of the tell-tale signs that a couple has completely fallen for each other is that both parties will go out of their way to remember the little things about each other. For instance, they might recall the other person’s pizza topping preferences, the name of their beloved bichon, or even a random fact they mentioned in passing. These are things they’ll be able to pull out when they want to signal that they really have been paying attention to everything their crush has been telling them.

Flirting Touching, Tableware, Hand, Drinkware, Stemware, Table, Gesture

The mere thought of each other generates butterflies

Simply thinking about the other person can be enough to send shivers down your spine. Whether it’s imagining being near them, remembering the smell of their perfume or cologne, or looking forward to seeing their smile again, it’s enough to generate a fluttery feeling in your stomach.