5 Relationship Issues You’re Better Off Ignoring (3 of 3)

Woman Chained To Bed, Joint, Skin, Head, Lip, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Couch, Comfort, White, Leg


Yes, we all want different things in the bedroom. And yes, sooner or later you’ll run into something that you want that your partner doesn’t and vice versa. You can either talk about it and say why you’re not comfortable with doing X or Y, or you can accept that your partner wants this and see it as an experiment. Who knows, maybe you’ll like it more than you thought you would and it becomes part of your regular routine. Because don’t kid yourself – every couple that’s been together for a long time has a routine. It’s like a Metallica setlist, you can pretty much guess 80% of what’s going to happen in advance.

Shopping In Lucerne Switzerland, Hairstyle, Human, Sleeve, Lighting, Gesture

Spending Habits

Partners that spend a lot of money can be annoying, that’s true, but they’re not as annoying as partners that don’t make any money. If your partner also works and makes a solid part of the family income, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be allowed to spend some of that money. If you have enough saved up to deal with 2 or 3 items of “random life bullshit”, it’s probably fine anyway. Don’t stress too much over it.