5 Relationship Issues You’re Better Off Ignoring (2 of 3)

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Alone Time

Okay, let me preface this by saying that some people just like being alone, despite being in a relationship. Being able to lock yourself off from this maddening world that seems to spend every waking hour driving you further and further towards insanity can be such a liberating thing and you shouldn’t take that away from your partner because you’re feeling insecure about yourself. That’s right: any issue you have with your partner wanting alone time is an issue you have with yourself. Of course your partner is looking more forward to a night out with friends than he is to a night out with you – the whole idea is to do something different to break the pattern! As long as they always come back home and don’t cheat, who cares?

Woman Stepping On Boys, Joint, Shoe, Shoulder, Leg, Human body, Knee, Thigh

Superiority Issues

This all comes down to interpretation and how you perceive situations. Yes, some partners do have a superiority complex and view their significant others as trophies or whatever. But if you really want to talk about superiority in the relationship, this is something that you can easily manage if you talk to your partner and either accept that this is the way it’s going to be but they mean no harm with it, or just agree on some boundaries. It’s not something worth fighting over if it isn’t something that suffocates you every step of the way.