9 Painful Signs That He’s Looking To Move On (2 of 6)

Being In A Relationship With Someone Who Doesn T Love You, Hairstyle, Facial expression, Human, Flash photography, Comfort, Gesture

2. He stops taking any initiative in the relationship

When the two of you first fell in love, he was the one texting you first. Or he would call you up and ask if you wanted to get dinner or catch a movie. These days? Text messages are few and far between, and he never seems to want to spend time with you. 

Woman Giving The Silent Treatment, Lip, Eyelash, Flash photography, Gesture

3. He never notices the little things anymore

Back in the day if you got a new haircut or wore a dress he had never seen before, he would go out of his way to pay you compliments. If it was a chilly evening, he’d offer you his jacket. But these sweet things he’d say or do appear to be in the past.