9 Painful Signs That He’s Looking To Move On (3 of 6)

Premature Ejaculation And Erectile Dysfunction, Face, Comfort, Leg, Flash photography, Happy, Thigh, Gesture

4. You’ve taken a backseat in his life

In the past, even with his busy schedule, he never had any problems fitting you into it. But all of a sudden it is like he is purposely avoiding you. He’s out at the bars with his friends and not inviting you to come along. He cancels out on dates even when you planned them well in advance. Although he says, “Maybe we can hangout this weekend” he stops following through. 

Stressed Marriage, Clothing, Face, Jeans, Hairstyle, Facial expression, Leg, Comfort, Human, Flash photography, Fashion

5. He makes excuses for not seeing you

He says he’s too tired to see you after work. He’s not interested in seeing the movie. He doesn’t want to go on the weekend getaway because suddenly the plane tickets and hotel are too expensive (even though this was never a concern of his in the past).