8 Clear Signs Your Girlfriend is Toxic (3 of 5)

Negative Impact Of Social Media On Couple, Clothing, Jeans, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Gesture

4. She snoops around the text messages on your phone

She’s eavesdropping on your conversations with your friends and family. You can only get together with your friends if she is allowed to come along…and that’s only if she’s in the mood to go out. If she isn’t, you’re stuck at home too. But here’s the thing: living together does not mean she gets to smother you. You shouldn’t have to lock personal items in a drawer or only make plans if they include her. It will only lead to resentment. 

Clothing, Hand, Shoulder, People in nature, Plant, Black, Flash photography, Wood, Sleeve, Happy, Sunlight

5. She’s never wrong 

Toxic girls don’t offer half-hearted apologies when they make mistakes; they flat out refuse to admit they make them at all. No matter how much she hurts you, oversteps relationship boundaries, or does something that is legitimately terrible, she always finds a way to justify it, even if it is to suggest that it is your fault that she “has no choice” but to behave a certain way. When you plead with her to listen to reason, she just doubles down. You are left at a complete loss.