7 Signs You’re With a Sensitive Woman (2 of 4)

Depression And Anxiety, Nose, Skin, Lip, Shoulder, Eyelash, Sleeve, Gesture

Easily Overwhelmed

If you feel everything much more intensely than normal people, it only makes sense that you’ll reach your threshold a lot faster as well. Things that can often help with this is insane amounts of structure in the day-to-day life, living somewhere remote, not doing lots of social stuff and generally keeping to themselves. It’s not always the sign of a loner – sometimes their system simply can’t handle the sensory input you get from an average night out, for example.

Beauty, Lip, Lipstick, Shoulder, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Neck, Flash photography, Eye liner, Sleeve


The high empathy comes with another trait that’s sadly often taken advantage of: people with high sensitivity are extremely selfless. They’ll get so swarmed up in your misery that they’ll forget about everything else and move literal mountains to help you with whatever it is you’re dealing with. They could honestly be having a rougher time than you are and they’d still drop everything to help you out.