7 Signs You’re With a Sensitive Woman (3 of 4)

Love You Are My Man, Smile, People in nature, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

Shifty Emotional State

Sadly all the good things that come with a healthy dose of empathy also have downsides. Overly sensitive people tend to shift their emotional state based on the people around them. If you’re feeling good, they’re feeling good. If you’re feeling sad, they’re feeling sad. If you think Newcastle might play Champions’ League next season, they think Newcastle might play Champions’ League next season.

Happy Beautiful Girls, Hair, Plant, Flower, Dress, People in nature, Flash photography, Happy, Smile, Waist, Gesture

Despises Violence

I know it sounds like something you’d attribute to basically every sensible human being, but highly sensitive people absolutely despise violence. And this means they’ll also have difficulty watching violent movies, horror movies, or anything made by M. Night Shyamalan in the last 20 years. The last thing may not be related to the high sensitivity.