Hate Dieting Or Exercising? Try These 11 Tricks And Lose Weight Easily (4 of 4)

Serve a smaller portion first

Smaller Plates, Food, Tableware, Dishware, Al dente, Ingredient, Recipe, Noodle, Staple food, Rice noodles, Cuisine

Frequent dining at restaurants has significantly increased the portions we serve ourselves even when eating at home. A serving at a restaurant is larger by nearly 25% of what it should be. It was found in a study that mere doubling the appetizers enhances your overall calorie consumption by as much as 30%.

Bigger portions undeniably encourage overeating which is the primary cause of obesity and many chronic ailments. Even a marginal reduction in serving can considerably bring down your calorie intake.



Use red plates for unhealthy foods

Heart Shaped Noodles, Food, Tableware, Stringozzi, Al dente, Rice noodles, Kitchen utensil, Recipe, Staple food, Ingredient, Noodle

Yes, you read that right. It must be hard for you to believe that something as irrelevant as the color of your plates has a bearing on the portion sizes you consume.

We suggest it’s worth giving a try as it’s been proven through research. A study was conducted where some participants were offered pretzels on red plates while others on blue or white plates. As anticipated, more was eaten by those who were handed a blue or a white plate. A possible explanation for it could be the association of red color with a signal to stop or some sort of a warning.

This brings us to the end of our list of certain trivial changes you could make to bring about significant positive results on your overall health. You shouldn’t incorporate them all at once but, instead, begin with just a two or three. You have to keep in mind that the key to sticking to any habit is to let it seamlessly blend into your lifestyle. If you hurry it, you may not be able to follow it for long and will be more likely to give up.