One (Or More) Of These 14 Reasons Is Why You Can’t Get Over Your Breakup (4 of 4)



Your ex still feels familiar

Interaction, Flash photography, Temple, Gesture

Does the new hot colleague seem to have some of the same traits as your ex? Or does this tinder guy you have right-swiped on happens to have the same taste in music as your previous partner? So what? It’s not a big deal. Why even let that thought enter your brain? Leave your past aside. This is a different person and a different situation. Be in the moment.



You didn’t lose touch with them

Girl, Hand, Hairstyle, Facial expression, Vertebrate, Mouth, Flash photography, Happy, Mammal, Gesture

We get that it is cool and in rage to remain friends with your ex and to hang out with them now and then. It even works out some people and enables them to cope better with heartbreak. But it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Keeping in touch doesn’t allow you to accept the breakup work on moving on. Delete their contact, block them on social media, avoid parties where they may be present, do whatever you need to set yourself free.

This brings us to the end of our list of reasons which may be stopping you from getting on with your life after the breakup. We hope it would help you in embracing the change and understanding that it was in the best interest of you.