The 23 Mistakes Will End Up Hurting Your Game In The Dating World (3 of 5)



You talk about the future too early

Conversation, Clothing, Table, Hand, Arm, Drinkware

Dating isn’t to end up with the person you are seeing for your whole life but to explore your likes and dislikes about people. Talking about the future of the relationship too early might scare them away. You need to give the other person time to get comfortable and open up their heart before opening up yours to ensure that you both are on the same page. Don’t pour your heart out too soon.



It’s good to give the right swipes a rest

Sunglasses, Glasses, Outerwear, Shoulder, Smile, Sunglasses, Vision care, Goggles, Sleeve, Eyewear

A swipe right might provide you with all the fun for the day but not forever. Dating apps have become part of the norm, but being too reliant on them will only lead to commoditizing partners instead of humanizing them. Even though it makes things a lot easier as it straight away gets to the point, this shouldn’t be the reason for you to date. Its convenience shouldn’t get the better of you instead of you getting from it.



You are in search of a deep connection instantly

Relationship Problem, Hairstyle, Facial expression, Gesture

As mentioned earlier, dating isn’t for finding serious relationships but to explore your likes and dislikes as you interact with the people around you. If you find it, well and good but don’t scare people away talking about commitments and deep connections instantly. You don’t want to build your relationship with your potential partner based on your vulnerability but he qualities that make you who you are. Avoid sharing your past experiences and relationships. Talk more about who you are and the qualities that make you. I assure you that this comes out as much more attractive than your pain points early in dating.



You look for wrongs instead of rights in the person

Boyfriends And Upset Girlfriend, Daytime, Facial expression, Dress shirt, Flash photography, Sleeve, Happy, Gesture

Dating in the present world is as fast as our lives. Nobody has extra time to spare than the required amount which makes people run through their potential partners like machines. In this process, you tend to look for wrongs in them rather than the rights. You lose interest and overlook the areas you could have bonded over. We forget that all relationships aren’t perfect. What we need is to bond over rights and overcome the wrongs together.



When the baggage to be left behind still lays on your shoulders

Frigidity In Women, Hair, Joint, Shoulder, Comfort, Flash photography, Neck, Textile, Lighting, Happy, Gesture

To move on is to let go, and to hold on is to be burdened by it for a lifetime. This line describes and advises those who due to various reasons are separated. It is a human tendency to live in the past. Time is what that heals everything, so without sufficient time your foundations will never be stable and it is on this that you build up your new budding relationships. This doesn’t mean to stop thinking and it doesn’t imply to keep on regretting; what it says is to think about what went wrong and improve where the cracks begin to form. Only then can you leave behind and move onwards towards a happy life.