9 Essential Tips For Dating When You’re In Your 30s

The older we get the more our age can come off as a shock for us. Some more so than others as some of us realize that we’re still single. And while this realization may cause us to get back into dating, there is one thing that you should know: dating when you’re older is different than dating when you were younger.

Since your last attempt at dating, you probably have more baggage you’re carrying and your field is narrower. Chances are also likely a lot of people in your inner circle are already married, so you may feel pressure from there. Not to mention pushing yourself to interact with people outside of your initial circle.

With all of this in mind, here are some essential tips to keep in mind for future dates and dating attempts.


Focus On Enjoying Yourself

Relationship True Love Cute Couple, Smile, Shoulder, Beard, Neck, Sleeve, Standing, Gesture

When we get older, we often dwell on the things that we don’t have yet. Some of us expect to be married, have kids, a nice house, and a stable income, but that’s not always going to be the case.

Wanting those things in our lives is okay and all, but if we focus so much on what we don’t have, we can forget what we do have in our lives. This applies to dating as we can also imagine our ideal soulmate rather than who that person actually is.

Instead of imagining all of that, devote time to enjoying yourself and getting to know the person more. Dating should be a fun experience regardless of how old you are.



Remind Yourself That Age Is Only A Number

Girls Relationship, Lip, Kiss, People in nature, Happy, Gesture

Just because you’re older you may think that only people within your age group will be the only ones interested in you. But that’s not always the case.

People can find love regardless of age and sometimes younger individuals can see the appeal in dating or marrying older individuals.

They’re wiser, have gone through life longer and have experienced more with life.

At the end of the day, remind yourself that age is a number and focus more on people’s personalities.



Move Away From The Past

Back Hug, Outerwear, Hairstyle, Shirt, People in nature, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

On the same vein as age, it’s important that we’re not caught up in the past. This means rethinking our attitude towards age, but also letting go of past mistakes. We’ve no doubt had some rocky relationships and have experienced heartbreak.

The key is to let all of that go and not let it get to you. By this point in our lives, we probably have a skeleton or two in our closet anyway. The point is why should that matter now?

Prioritize the present and look forward to what is developing and happening next.