Get Over These 9 Relationship Deal Breakers In 2020 If You Want A Healthy Relationship

If you are someone who always has that long list of nonstarters in mind every time you are thinking about a relationship – whether starting one or staying in one – you might be actually believing that you are just setting the right bar that every self-respecting person would. But is it really that? Or this long list of nonstarters is actually a kind of self-sabotage that is keeping you away from having any kind of healthy, meaningful relationships?

It is time to reconsider your relationship deal breakers – whether it is related to lifestyle choices, physical traits, or even finances. In this article, we break down every obstacle that might be keeping you apart from having a healthy relationship – and why it is in your best interests to get over these nonstarters already.


Your experiences or tastes do not match

Hand, Joint, Hand, Shoulder, Human, Sleeve, Gesture

We understand the fact that people like to have partners who have the same tastes in life. However, that isn’t always a good thing to do. The thing is, you already are in love with yourself – so it shouldn’t be a cause of concern if you cannot find a partner who turns out to be exactly a replica of you.

According to Malena Crawford, a life coach, love doesn’t have to be between two people who think and feel alike. In fact, it works just as well when both the partners have different interests, experiences, and tastes, as long as they are on the same page when it comes to the most important things: vision, values, and standards. Having a partner who has different tastes and experiences than you also opens up great opportunities for you and your partner to learn from one another and celebrate your individuality at the same time.

You are amazing – but you certainly do not need a replica of yourself as your life partner in order to find happiness in a relationship.



They need different amount of solo time

Couples City Breaks, Water, Jeans, People in nature, Human, Sleeve, Happy, Holding hands, Gesture

You might be of a firm opinion that since your potential partner needs a different amount of alone time than you do, you both are automatically incompatible. It doesn’t work that way. The key here is effective communication between both of you in order to make it work.

Each and every person has a different comfort level with solo time. For someone, it could mean a few hours every week. To another person, it could mean some hours every two or three days. It all depends on how you manage and communicate about your requirements with your partner that finally matters.



You have starkly different hobbies

Female Artist Drawing

Again, you should see a partner having different interests and hobbies as an ocean of opportunities rather than a drawback. When your partner has a different set of hobbies, it also gives you an opportunity to try out new things and enjoy your life and relationship even more.

According to relationship expert Tammy Shaklee, one needs to enjoy their partner’s hobbies and broaden the scope of one’s own life in the process. For instance, if your potential partner loves surfing, sailing, or mountain climbing, it could certainly be a good idea for you to also try out these new adventures. Similarly, your partner can perhaps learn a bit about salsa from you or some of other interests that you have.