8 Common Characteristics of a Role Model (3 of 5)

Portrait, Forehead, Hair, Cheek, Eyebrow, Smile, Beard, Neck, Flash photography, Jaw, Eyelash


A person worth admiring is never content with the status quo. Instead, they are highly ambitious and want to make a difference, even when it requires a high degree of risk. They will be the first to accept an assignment or task, and will offer their own vision of what would make the project a success. Ultimately, they are always finding new and innovative ways to solve problems and are willing to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Amigo Incondicional, Face, Glasses, Smile, Lip, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Facial expression, Vision care, Goggles, Fashion


There is no question that joy is contagious. If you see somebody flashing a radiant smile at you, it is hard to resist wanting to smile back at them. The reason these people deserve our admiration is because they are so willing to find happiness in the simplest things in life and want to spread that joy to others. They take a realistic approach to things, but at the same time do their best to look at the bright side of any given situation, they remain optimistic in the face of adversity, and find the good in others.