Your Well-being is Important: Five Tips For Protecting Your Personal Space (3 of 3)

Women Saying No, Hair, Lip, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Ear, Human body, Neck, Gesture

Only say “yes” when you mean it

Often, we say “yes” to things without fully considering the implications or impact on our personal space. Before saying “yes” to a request, take a moment to reflect on whether it aligns with your personal boundaries and values. This will help you avoid overcommitting and spreading yourself too thin.

It is also important to communicate any conditions or limitations when you say “yes” to a request. For example, if you agree to go to a social gathering, you could say, “I’ll come for an hour, but I need to leave early because I have other things to tend to.”

Beauty, Joint, Lip, Hand, Arm, Shoulder, Smile, Eyelash, People in nature, Human body, Flash photography

Never Beat Yourself Up

It is common to feel guilty when setting boundaries and protecting your personal space. However, it is essential to understand that taking care of yourself is not selfish, and you deserve to feel comfortable and safe in your own space. There are times when you can do something that helps others, but only when you are able to and only on your terms. Is a friend asking you to help them study for an exam? There is no reason for you to drop everything you’re doing and meet them at the library, but if you happen to have time and believe you can assist, then feel free to do so. But never do something because you’re afraid they’ll think you’re a jerk. In reality, they are the ones being selfish!