Annoying Things Girls Do: 7 Things Every Guy Hates (2 of 4)

Annoying Things Girls Do: 7 Things Every Guy Hates

2. When you can never take a compliment

True story: in my late teens, I told a girl she was really cute. Her response? “Why does everybody say I’m cute, but nobody says I’m beautiful?” I just rolled my eyes. This complete lack of confidence is a real turn-off for men. Even worse, it leads us to believe our compliments are completely meaningless. Let’s be honest: there will always be somebody out there who is hotter, richer, skinnier, and more outgoing than you are. But it doesn’t change the fact that if a guy is with you, it’s because you are exactly what he is looking for.

Friendship Male, Smile, Sky, Flash photography

3. When you text us while we’re out with the guys

He loves spending time with you. Heck, he might even be living with you. But that doesn’t mean you need to be together 24/7. There are times when guys need our space and he wants to unwind with some old friends or coworkers. And, hey, the same should go for you. A couple of hours apart in the evening or on a Saturday afternoon doesn’t mean your relationship is unraveling. He’s enjoying some beers with his friends, but you have absolutely not disappeared from his life. So please don’t text him the entire night, and resist the urge to call. It will make his friends think you’re clingy and insecure, which makes both of you look bad. So just relax, binge on your favorite streaming shows, and rest assured he’ll be home and he’ll be happy to be with you again!