Annoying Things Girls Do: 7 Things Every Guy Hates (3 of 4)

Falta De Afecto En La Pareja, Hair, Joint, Shoulder, Leg, Muscle, Couch, Comfort, Human, Flash photography, Neck

4. When you say “I’m fine” when it’s so obvious you aren’t

When our boyfriend sees that somebody is bothering you and you respond with a cold, “I’m fine,” it’s the statement he dreads the most because it means he screwed something up and you are really pissed about it. It’s one of those weird passive-aggressive maneuvers in which you’re trying to avoid conflict but are actually just making the situation worse. Just level with him. If he did something to upset you, it’s best to come out with it so you can find a healthy, mature way to resolve it.

Young Girl Reading Magazines, Joint, Shoulder, Comfort, Table, Thigh

5. When you go on and on about your favorite celebrity gossip

We guys idolize sports figures, but most of us don’t feel the need to go on and on with you about what an amazing game they had the night before. Why? Because we know you give precisely zero Fs. But it works the other way around. When you give us the latest scoop on Prince Harry/Meghan Markle royal drama or whatever it is the guys at TMZ are sitting around a table gossiping about, it really just annoys us. This is what having lady friends is for, all right?

девушки в кафе, Tableware, Smile, Plant, Happy

6. When you share all the details about our relationship with your lady friends

Now we’re talking about those lady friends again. This time, the beef is with the fact that you share with them all of the stuff about you that you really shouldn’t. About his performance in bed. How his parents are nuts. That the gift he bought you last Christmas was really tacky. The guys are sensitive creatures too. And when they are feeling vulnerable, they want to be able to trust that you’re not turning around and sharing this with your friends. Some things are meant to be private.