Annoying Things Girls Do: 7 Things Every Guy Hates

Let’s be honest: no relationship is perfect. But with some hard work and cooperation, there’s no reason why it can’t succeed. But there are certain things that you do that really make this difficult. Rather than ramble on and make you suffer, let’s cut to the chase. Here are 7 things guys wish their girlfriends would stop doing.

Beauty, Skin, Lip, Chin, Hairstyle, Eyebrow, Shoulder, Eye, Eyelash, Mouth, Facial expression

1. When you take forever to get ready

We get it. It takes women longer to groom themselves than we guys. You’ve got to carefully choose the perfect outfit, do your hair, powder your nose, shave your legs, and put on your makeup. Meanwhile, a guy just has to remember how to put on a pair of pants. Although he does find you damn sexy, he doesn’t get why it takes you girls so long. In particular, he can’t stand it when you say you’ll be ready at 8 and then 8:30 comes around and you’re still not quite there yet. There are really only two solutions: either you have to do a better job of managing your time or I need to accept that you’ll never be as punctual as he’d like. A tough call. It’s like one of those “irresistible force meets the immovable object” sort of deals.