7 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You (3 of 4)

Mean To Him, Joint, Hand, Arm, Shoulder, Eye, Comfort, Flash photography, Neck, Eyelash, Gesture

4. Never taking time to hear you out

The key to a successful relationship is to have a clear line of communication. There are times when you need to sit down and have a serious conversation about things, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. If your partner is constantly putting it off because they don’t want to have these conversations, they are being inconsiderate. It should be noted that if they’re telling you they simply don’t have time to talk about it right now, that isn’t necessarily demonstrating disrespectful behavior. If they agree to discuss it at another time and actually follow through on this, they are demonstrating that your needs really are important to them.

Love Bombing, Hand, Smile, Flash photography, Gesture, Happy

5. Expecting to be the main priority at all times

There are times in every balanced relationship when you might be expected to drop everything that you’re doing to help your partner, particularly if it is a crisis situation. On the other hand, if they’re angry at you for not being on call 24/7 to help them, we’re getting into some pretty dangerous territory. It could be that they believe their time is more important than yours and they are failing to realize you have other aspects of your life that need tending to, including family responsibilities, your professional life, your mental health, etc.