7 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You (2 of 4)

Unhappy Couple, Joint, Jeans, Hairstyle, Arm, Shoulder, Muscle, Comfort, Human, Fashion, Flash photography

2. Not giving you enough space when things get heated

When you need some time to yourself to clear your mind, a good partner will respect your wishes. For instance, if the two of you are engaging in an argument and you indicate that you’d like to talk about this later when you feel more cool-headed, you should be able to walk away. If they insist on following you so that they can continue arguing, it is clear they are inconsiderate of your boundaries. You are taking this action for your own well-being, and yet they fail to appreciate this. This is a very serious problem that will doom the relationship in the long term.

Conflict, Hair, Shoulder, Eye, Comfort, Flash photography, Gesture

3. Refusing to ever see things from your perspective

In every relationship there are times when you have to compromise and be flexible. However, there are also moments when you want things to be done a certain way, and your partner needs to recognize that there’s nothing wrong with this. If he or she believes it’s always their way or the highway, it means they are unwilling to ever see things your way. This is a clear sign that your feelings are never a priority to them.