New Years Resolutions That Are ‘Healthy’ But Bad For You (3 of 3)


Changing Your Sleep Pattern

Sleep Healthy Living, Arm, Comfort, Neck, Gesture

Getting more sleep was rated as the fourth most common resolution in readiness for 2019. While this may seem a good idea in principle, as you can probably tell from the tone of this article, it can actually lead to more problems than you had before. If you don’t sleep a regular seven to eight hours each night then you could develop cardiovascular diseases and even lessen your life expectancy. It has been proven within studies that oversleeping could be more harmful than not sleeping enough. So, instead of trying to sleep more or less, try to get just the right amount of sleep each night and stick to it.


This will begin to show in your natural sleeping pattern. Your body will begin to recognize that it has a rota of when it’s asleep and when it’s awake and you will wake up naturally without an alarm clock.



Being Positive About Everything

Positive Attitude, Gesture

There’s being optimistic and then there’s forcing yourself to think ‘positively’ about everything until you can see nothing but the negatives. Many people think that if they try to adopt the ‘good vibes only’ policy in every area of their lives, they can fake it until they make it. However, psychologists believe that this isn’t the best way of dealing with your emotions. Meaning that whenever you feel a bad emotion such as anger or sadness, instead of dealing with it in a way that is helpful, you could just be burying it underneath this false positivity – and when it rears its ugly head again, it will only be bigger and harder to handle because you didn’t handle it the first time.


This isn’t to say that positivity is a bad thing – of course, it isn’t. It’s simply that some emotions demand to be felt and can cause negativity in the future if they’re hidden away. Positive emotions come around as often as negative and both are needed for any type of balance to be achieved in your emotional health.



New Year’s Resolutions In General?

Fireworks New Years Eve, Fireworks, Light, Nature, Black

So, what have we learned from this article? Yes, New Year’s resolutions are good for you but they can also be unhealthy for you if you set yourself unreasonable goals that set you up for failure. While looking at what you wish to change, you then can focus on the negative things in your life and you can start to get overwhelmed with how much you want to change. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. We are all on a journey of self-discovery, finding things that we can change and adapt as we go along. But what we really need to do is take things slowly – you won’t make yourself into the perfect version of yourself all in one year. So don’t try to! Focus on what you can change easily and take the next steps from there.


You’ve got this. 2019 is going to be your year!