New Years Resolutions That Are ‘Healthy’ But Bad For You (2 of 3)


Handing In Your Notice

Leave My Job, Handwriting, Blackboard

The Christmas holidays are amazing, aren’t they? Spending time with your family, eating all the food that you want and taking naps whenever you want. All of this freedom can make it almost impossible to think about returning to your 9-5 desk job – especially if you already felt negatively towards your job. This can often make you think that perhaps if you handed in your notice and followed your dream of becoming a full time dancer or actor then everything could change for you. So, you write up your angry notice telling your employer where they can stick their job and then . . . what? You’re left unemployed after the most expensive month of the year and no idea where to turn to follow your dreams.


That may be some tough love but while we wish the things that people did in movies could happen to us, it just isn’t the case more often than not. Unemployment can have an adverse effect on your mental health, meaning that you will begin to feel less motivated when looking for jobs and could find yourself in another job that you’re unhappy in. So, wait until January passes, think about what you truly want and make February the month that you do or do not change your job.



Putting Away The Pennies

Extra Money, Saving, Piggy bank, Money handling

Saving money for the future or for a ‘rainy day’ is something that we all wish that we can hope to work towards. However, when you’re not able to because you’re too busy just trying to get by, it can create a feeling of hopelessness that you’ll never be able to save. So, instead of deciding that you’re going to save enough to be able to put in a deposit on your next house in the new year, just put away what you can without landing yourself in any financial trouble. Every little bit can help and won’t mean that you’re hanging on to your last pennies until the next pay cheque.



Losing Weight

Lose Weight, Joint, Jeans, Hand, Shoulder, White, Textile, Neck, Waist, Sleeve, Gesture

Losing weight is probably one of the most common resolutions that come after the new year – but also one that many ignore and can’t seem to uphold. Many people set unrealistic expectations for how much weight they would like to lose and can set themselves goals that seem completely out of reach for them in that moment.


Similarly to exercising too much too soon, the effort and strain that you can put your body under by suddenly changing your diet can bring on a new wave of health problems that can leave you feeling worse than you did before. A change in diet can make you feel more fatigued, can lower your metabolism and could possibly make you infertile. So, set a realistic weight loss goal and work gradually to cut out your favorite fatty and sugary foods. Eat little and often.


Ignore all fad diets, too. While there are many celebrities that may advocate and promote some of these fad diets, they can be more dangerous for you than an unhealthy diet. They are often so unsustainable that many people end up going back to their old ways before grabbing up the next fad diet to come along and become popular – otherwise known as ‘yo-yo dieting.’ This unhealthy way of dieting can give you high blood pressure and increase your risk of developing diabetes.