18 Signs That Scream You Should Plan A Second Date (5 of 5)

You don’t want to hide them from your friends

Black Travelers, Smile, Cloud, Sky, Water, Human, People in nature, Flash photography, Happy

We’ve all had partners we’re not proud of, whom we don’t want to be introduced to our friends, because we know our friends won’t approve of them. So, basically, if you feel like telling your friends all about the person after the first date, it’s a great thing. If you feel like hiding them away, it’s a negative sign. Also, bonus points if you’re excited for them to meet your friends.



They walked with you to your next destination

腰 を 寄せる, Face, Smile, Hand, Tartan, Human, Dress, Flash photography, Human body, Fashion, Orange

Whether you were coming back through public transport or by a personal vehicle, it’s always a good thing if they walk you to the subway or the parking lot, instead of just heading their own way. Walking you to your destination means that they’re not ready to part ways with you just yet, that they want to stay longer. Also, bonus points if they linger for some more time.

All in all, you don’t have to overthink and overanalyze. If you’ve got some positive signs, we’d suggest you to give it a shot and see how it goes!