Detailed Guide To Help You Flirt Effectively Through Texts

Whether you’ve just matched with someone on a dating app or you’ve been in the relationship for years, the anxiety you get before sending a flirty text can be real. And to be honest, if your texting game is as awkward as ours, it can take years to feel fully comfortable in flirting via texts.

But if the time’s running out and you need urgent texting help, we’ve got your back. We’re here with our foolproof texting guide you can use to become a flirting expert.


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With real advice from dating and relationship experts, you can finally send flirty texts without a worry. Read on and check out these texting prompts below to finally get your crush’s attention (because you deserve it).

So, first things first. Why is flirting via texts even important?

Stephania Cruz, a relationship expert, says that sending a message to let someone know they are on your mind can be a game-changer. She further suggests that flirting through texts can take your relationship with them to the next level if it’s mutual.


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So, flirty texting has been important since the beginning of time, but now that we’re living amidst a worldwide pandemic, texting has really taken over all other forms of expression.

People all over the world are using social media and dating apps to shoot their shot. And now that literally everything is being done online, the pressure to up your texting game is very real.

Also, if you think this guide is not for you since you’ve been in that long-term relationship for quite long, you’re not right. Sending your boyfriend/girlfriend an interesting text can make it easy for them to go past their day while getting bored in that online meeting. Eliza Boquin, a sex and relationship counselor, has confirmed that sending a flirty text to your partner is the best way to fuel erotic desire.

So, there’s that. Now, how to start the flirty banter?

Eliza says that the very first thing you must always keep in mind while initiating the flirty texting is definitely consent. Although it might seem very casual and comfortable to you, it might not be that casual for the other person. Some people don’t like flirty texting because they feel uncomfortable and some just don’t feel safe enough with them.

So, if you ask Eliza – your first task is to figure out whether the person on the other texting end is open to coy texts. This could be the conversation you might want to have in the starting itself.