So, What Does Science Say About Your Love Life? Find Out How Good Science Thinks Your Flirting Skills Are

Guess what, cupcakes?

According to science, flirting actually works! Can you believe it? All those years of weird catch-phrases, awkward silences, and suggestive winking might have finally paid off, and if not, you’re doing it all wrong!

A group of scientists from the University of Kansas conducted a study that confirmed that flirting most definitely works and is possibly one of the many factors that determine whether or not someone is into you or vice versa, of course.

*suggestive wink*

The study also concluded some facial expressions and tactics that allow you to ascertain when and if someone might be into you. The research recently made its way in the Journal of Sex Research, so guess that’s something we need to trust. Keep scrolling to find out how you can step up your flirting game and tell when someone is absolutely into you.

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Let’s see how you work your way through the following question.

Do you pay due consideration to your match’s body language and facial expressions to tell whether or not they are attracted to you?

a) Obviously, duh.

b) There are so many other things that you need to consider when on a date, right?