8 Ways To Make Your Home Look Super Clean and Organized (2 of 5)

Storage At Home, Interior design

Reorganize the Clutter

Although clutter doesn’t have the gross out factor of mildew, grime, or trash strewn about the place, it really makes your home an unpleasant sight. Think about getting rid of the things you don’t need. If you live in a studio apartment with limited floor space, invest in storage containers, cabinets, and other items where you can keep things organized and out of view when they are not being used. The days of tripping over boxes are over!

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A good vacuum is worth it

Having a clean carpet has a dramatic effect on your home. For one thing, removing the dirt, dander and dust keeps up a tidy appearance. Secondly, when you sprinkle some scented baking powder on the carpet, it keeps the room smelling fresh. Investing in a sturdy upright vacuum is a good move, and if you’ve got the budget for a Roomba (which aren’t cheap), even better. Vacuuming a couple times a week will do the trick, and a ban on walking around the house in shoes would also be helpful.