20 Most Popular Nutrition Myths Busted: You Can Now Stop Following These Without A Second Thought (4 of 5)



Any smoothie or juice is healthy

Water, Face, Lip, Hand, Arm, Food, Neck

Not really. A smoothie or juice which you prepare using fresh vegetables or fruits at home can do wonders for your skin, hair, and your overall health.

However, if you are under the impression that the bottled ones you get in the market are equally good and also save you the hassle of having to prepare one by yourself, you can’t be more wrong. Those are packed with sugar, preservatives, coloring agents, and whatnot. You’d rather skip having smoothies or juices than falling back on them for they do you more harm than good. You risk yourself of putting on weight, damaging your oral health, and even messing up your blood sugar level if you consume them regularly.

Thinking of what to do with the ones you have in your refrigerator? Pass them on as a ‘thank you’ goodie to a neighbor.



Everyone can reap the benefits of probiotics

Woman Taking Pill, Nose, Skin, Lip, Hand, Eyelash, Lipstick, Vision care, Ear, Jaw, Neck

Probiotics are the supplements that aid in your gut function and health. But, due to their over-prescription by practitioners all over, a section of us have developed resistance to it. Our bodies can no longer recognize this super supplement. Not only this, but it has also been reported as having negatively impacted the digestive system by bringing about adverse changes in the gut bacteria in some cases.

When it leads to an overgrowth of bacteria in our small intestine, we can feel bloated and have other serious side-effects too. This is why it’s best that you don’t go ahead and decide to take them yourself and instead consult with a good doctor who can suggest the type and dosage which will be accurate for you.



Losing weight is easy

Weight Reduction, Scale, Joint, Hand, Arm, Leg, Muscle, Human body, Finger, Gesture

No, it isn’t. You have to give up your favorite and readily available foods, prepare your meals, and have it even though it is far from delicious. Hold on. There is more. While at it, you are also required to head to the gym, workout until it feels like your lungs would just burst, and staying this motivated for months. Managing all of this while also ensuring your work life doesn’t suffer is another challenge. Does all of this sound easy? It sure is a hell lot of work. But, is it worth it? Reach your goal and see for yourself!

Sometimes it feels like maybe you are better off the way you are. Why put oneself through so much pain? Lying on the couch with a bag of chips with some Netflix show running on the TV would be such fun! This is the time where you have to marshal all your will power and dismiss such thoughts.



The ideal way to shed weight is to shift to a diet which is low in calories

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If you see someone dropping their flab so quickly that they become unrecognizable in a matter of just a week or so, you can conclude that they are attaining it by significantly lowering their calorie intake. While there is no harm in appreciating them, you may not want to idolize them and tread on the same path.

Eating less and keeping yourself starved can help you get the results faster but the complications that come with it are vast. Too little portions, over time, can impact your metabolism, cause hormonal disturbances, leave you feeling hungry at all times. This, in turn, makes you irritable, cranky and hampers your ability to focus. Also, remaining on such a diet for a long time is highly improbable and you are more likely to give up and gain all that weight back plus some additional.