20 Most Popular Nutrition Myths Busted: You Can Now Stop Following These Without A Second Thought (5 of 5)



Foods high in cholesterol are unhealthy

Cholesterol Control Food, Food, Tableware, Natural foods, Ingredient, Plant, Fruit

Foods rich in cholesterol have had a bad reputation since forever for having the potential to pose threats to your heart health. They are avoided by even some of those people who care the least about health and fitness.

But, isn’t there are several foods which you adore but never take a bite of because of the presence of cholesterol in them? We have a little good news for you. Unless your body is sensitive to it, you should feel free to include limited quantities of them to your diet.

This is where it gets a bit tricky. You have to be picky and choose wisely. Only the nutritive ones such as eggs, full-fat milk, and the like can be savored while the rest are to be forgone.



Only women can be afflicted with eating disorders

Eating Disorder Free, Face, Table, Hand, Tableware, Green, Food, Dishware

Another myth that’s has been circulating on the internet for quite some time now is that men are immune to all sorts of eating disorders when, in reality, both adolescents as well as adult men are at risk.

This may come as a surprise but more than 30% of the US’s population of adolescent men have been reported to be dissatisfied with their bodies and having given in to harmful ways as a means to achieve their desirable figure.

A thing worth mentioning here is that it is found to be more common in young and adolescent men as compared to adults. Moreover, men who are homosexuals or bisexuals are at an even heightened risk. Thus, there is a need for different treatment plans better suited for men.



Carbohydrates make you put on weight

Starch Carbohydrates, Food, Tableware, Ingredient, Dishware, Recipe, Natural foods, Cuisine

After bashing fats, the self-proclaimed fitness and diet experts have found their new enemy in carbs. Many write-ups are there which do their best to deter you from consuming carbs in any form because it leads to obesity, heart diseases, and diabetes among other health complications.

To tell you the truth, all carbs aren’t unhealthy. You can have ones rich in fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals in moderation on an everyday basis. Certain legumes, grains, and root vegetables are particularly the best in this regard.

What’s interesting to note is that a diet pattern, such as that of the Mediterranean diet, which comprises a healthy mix of good fats, proteins, carbs, and fiber can be one of the most effective ways of losing excess body fat. An added advantage of moving to such a diet is that you lower your chances of getting obese, or developing certain types of cancers, or any heart disease to a great extent.

You have to be careful while choosing your foods though. Not exempting carbs doesn’t mean you get to have cakes, doughnuts, or any other sugary or fried junk. Try eliminating or cutting them down as much as you possibly can.



Keeping track of calories is a must if you want to lose weight

Keep Track Of Calories, Food, Rangpur, Tableware, Product, Fruit, Ingredient, Yellow, Citrus, Natural foods, Gesture

The significant number of devices and apps we now have for tracking calories and nutrients intake must have made you made up your mind that you cannot be fit unless you keep a proper account of every particle of food that goes into your body. While a lot many people may benefit from it, it is not an absolute necessity for everyone. Some feel a sense of achievement when they match their intake with what’s needed by their bodies and this is what motivates them to stick to the same routine until they have reached their desired fitness goal.

However, each one of us doesn’t function in the same way. Constant updating of meals and snacks may begin to get monotonous in no time and cause one to lose interest in even getting in shape. Moreover, obsessing over calories also puts you at a higher risk of developing eating disorders.

This brings us to the end of our list of most popular nutrition myths. We agree that in today’s time, misinformation is prevalent in abundance and genuine advice is sparse. It’s easy to be swayed by them and expose our health to further damage. This makes it all the more crucial for you to research well enough before trusting and adopting any advice into your lifestyle.