The Must-Try (and Avoid) Diets of 2020, According to health experts (4 of 5)



The Top Diets You Shouldn’t Try in 2020

The Ketogenic Diet

Keto Free, Food, Ingredient, Recipe, Cuisine

The ketogenic diet provides extravagant results on a controversial meal plan just like the Mediterranean diet which has been in the spotlight for being the fittest diets. The rationale behind creating such a diet comes from the objective or the aim which is to be achieved by consuming it. Hence, the keto diet was designed way back in the early 20th century for the treatment of paediatric epilepsy. By restricting almost all carbohydrates and all possible sources of protein, we can manipulate our body into ketosis. But the implications of doing so are much more and not limited to the cutting down of your waistline. As carbs play a crucial role in significant functions throughout your body, cutting down on them can leave unforeseen implications that we aren’t aware of. Instead of cutting down on them completely, what is advisable is to monitor your portions and having the right kind of carbs.

A critical factor in keto programs is the attentiveness that it has brought to the general public regarding the consequences of extra sugar. It is quite useful when you do cut down on candy and other like substances but regular sources of sugar are also essential for the body. Grains like farro and quinoa, apples, beans and much more are part of a healthy balanced diet.

Cutting down on carbs for the long run isn’t a viable case for most. A failed keto diet may leave long-lasting implications such as gaining more weight afterward because of the amplified reliance on fat. The consumption of meat butter bacon and all these sources of red meat will affect the cardiovascular system as a whole. The process of constantly dieting to put on the weight back-otherwise known as weight cycling impacts longevity in the young adults as well as leave severe damage to our psyche. This factor is often highlighted by critics who do state that the diet backfires once you do leave it, into making you gain weight.



What to learn from the other Fad Diets?

As fashion and trends influence most things in life, we see a particular pattern that persists in the dieting stream as well. Diets followed by celebrities which are more popularly known as fad diets also allure people with its results even though some may turn out to be quite harmful. Behind all the fab and glamour there are a lot of lessons which we have to examine which makes the following diets a lousy choice for a long term persistent weight loss.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting, Tableware, Watch, Dishware, Plate, Serveware

For those who work out, skipping meals isn’t recommended, if you follow a 16:8 daily fasting plan or more taxing 5:2 weekly one. Since fasting for sixteen hours straight may make you have urges to overeat in the remaining 9, it is advisable to fast overnight and if you do follow an early morning workout procedure, following it up with breakfast will make you ready for the whole day.