Causes Behind Your Sudden Weight Gain As Explained By Doctors And Nutritionists (3 of 7)



The effects of stress and tiredness could be far-fetched

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If you have been keeping yourself stressed since a time you cannot recall, don’t be surprised if your measurements go up every year or so. The effects of stress on mental health are not unknown to anyone and it is nearly impossible to achieve physical fitness with a mind that is not healthy. Besides that, stress wrecks your metabolism, messes up your sleep, encourages you to overeat, and makes your hormones go haywire. A troubled mind will accelerate the production of ghrelin, the hormone which makes you feel hungry, and on the other hand, the level of leptin drops and you don’t the signal that you are full. You are also very likely to crave and munch on carbs when worried and healthy foods seem like another enemy.

What do you need to do?

Though it may seem like being stressed isn’t your fault at all and nothing could be done about it, such a mindset can be changed by making simple changes in your lifestyle. Investing time doing your favorite hobby, cleaning up the mess around you, expressing gratitude, going on a trip, or having a deep conversation with a close one are all activities worth indulging in which your brain can be at peace.