Causes Behind Your Sudden Weight Gain As Explained By Doctors And Nutritionists (2 of 7)



You may be consuming the right things, however, not at the right time

Eat On Bed, Comfort

Your well-being is dependent as much on what you eat as it is on the time you eat it. A burger you have for lunch will affect you differently as compared to when you have it for dinner. It is because of this that every weight loss meal plan has breakfast the heaviest meal of the day and dinner the lightest. The rate at which your body breaks down food is not consistent throughout the day. It is high when you are active and slows down during rest. Don’t expect your belly to shrink if you choose to skip on evening snack and save it to have post-dinner. Midnight treats are the worst, as that is the time when melatonin, the hormone which makes you sleepy, is released. Such a signal from the brain drops your metabolism and anything you eat is stored as a layer of fat. Several studies conducted in the past can back this.

What do you need to do?

There are many hacks available to help you get rid of the nasty habit of midnight snacking if you want to. One is to write down every single bite you take after you are done with dinner. Such a habit will keep you conscious of what you eat and in what quantity, were you hungry when you ate it, and enable you to cut down on the excess calories. Another hack is to finish your evening meal with a spoonful of fish oil. It is a healthy form of fat and you feel fuller for longer.