30 Ways To Relax Your Brain Even When You Are Totally Stressed Out (5 of 6)



Make a list of things you are grateful for!

You Grateful, Handwriting, Font

Journal all the things you feel grateful about. Yes, this might sound like a futile exercise, but researchers have found the contrary – journaling about the things you feel grateful for can actually bring about a chance in your mood. It makes you feel more confident and happy instead of being gloomy and depressed. In a study carried out in 2015, researchers found out that people who write down things they are grateful for actually had lower heart rates.



Talk to your friends

Friendship Between Two People, Water, Gesture

Having a friend to talk to can actually be a real saver if you are struggling due to stress and anxiety. According to numerous studies, a strong support system ensures that your cortisol levels remain in check. So if you are feeling a bit stressed out, it would be a good idea to call one of your friends and have a chat. It would not only reduce your stress level, but also boost positive energy.



Take some deep breaths

Woman And Man Happy, Flower, Smile, Plant, Photograph, Facial expression, People in nature, Happy, Flash photography, Petal, Gesture

Taking a few deep breaths can also do wonders in combating stress and anxiety. When we’re feeling anxious, your breath becomes shorter, which further makes you more anxious. To counter this, you can take a few deep breaths. It would not only bring back your heart rate to normal, it would also make you feel more calm and happy. The best way to ensure you are doing it correctly is to watch your belly. If your belly goes out when you take your breath in, and the belly goes in when you exhale, you are doing it correctly.



Spend time outside

Peyto Lake, Cloud, Sky, Water, Mountain, Plant, Nature, People in nature, Tree

In a research published in 2018 in the Health and Place Journal, researchers pointed out that spending more time in the natural surroundings increases the overall mental health and reduces stress and anxiety. This is because of the fact that humans are designed to stay in greener forests and water bodies. If you cannot afford to go out in the open during daytime, even looking at pictures of forests and water bodies actually reduces stress levels!



Get some sunlight

People Feeling Good, Smile, People in nature, Flash photography, Sky, Orange, Happy, Sunlight

If you haven’t been out in the sun for a long time, its time you head out of your place and get some sun. According to health experts, exposure to sunlight increases the release of a hormone known as serotonin, which helps boost your spirits. If you find it difficult to spend time under the sun, you can at least spare a few minutes a day for this and you would actually feel the difference soon!