30 Ways To Relax Your Brain Even When You Are Totally Stressed Out (4 of 6)



Stretch a bit

Good Morning With Yoga, Cloud, Water, Sky, Afterglow, Azure, Natural landscape, Plant, Dusk, Orange, Sunset

If you cannot find time to exercise a bit every day, even a simple task such as stretching can keep stress at bay. A study conducted in Spain found out that people who stretch for even ten to twelve minutes a day are seen to have a lower level of heart rate and blood pressure. Stretching improves blood circulation and boosts the mood quite significantly. So, the next time you are stressed out, get up from your office chair, walk around and stretch a little to bring down the stress levels.




Wellness Aesthetics, Water, Sky, Cloud, People in nature, Flash photography, Standing, Dusk, Happy

Just like yoga, meditation is perhaps the best ever tool against stress and anxiety out there. And contrary to the popular belief, you don’t really need to meditate for hours to reap its benefits. Even as little as five minutes of meditation in a peaceful environment can boost your energy levels and bring down stress, anxiety and depression drastically if you follow it regularly. If you are unable to meditate, just download one of the apps that help you in guiding you through the process of meditation.




Kissing Kiss, Nose, Cheek, Shoulder, Facial expression, Mouth, Neck, Comfort, Happy, Kiss, Gesture

Locking lips can help you in countering stress and anxiety. Sounds bizarre, right? Well, it actually works! A research published in the year 2009 in the Western Journal of Communication found that locking lips released hormones that counter stress and anxiety in both the sexes. So, the next time you feel stressed out, you know what to do.




Bedroom Bed Accessories, Leg, Dress, Comfort, Human body, Knee, Gesture

Sex is a powerful stress buster, as it releases endorphins related with positive feelings and relaxation, thereby relieving from stress and anxiety. This has been corroborated through many studies and reports as well. If you are feeling stressed, sex might be a good option to get rid of it quickly!



Stress ball

Stress Ball Slime, Organism, Natural foods

Squeezing a stress ball can also relieve you from stress and anxiety. According to psychologists, squeeze balls and fidget spinners take your mind away from everything that has been bothering you, thereby reducing stress levels quite a bit. If you feel like stress is getting the better of you, it’s time to squeeze that squishy little ball. Plus, it’s fun!