7 Foods You Can Eat Without Gaining Weight (2 of 2)



5. Oatmeal

Whats Oatmeal, Food, Tableware, Recipe

Oatmeal is perfect for filling you up, as it consists of lots of fiber – it also absorbs a high volume of water while being cooked. Even though it doesn’t have any taste itself, you can flavour it with non-fattening toppings such as nuts, fruits and brown sugar.

Oats themselves also contain a type of insoluble fiber, which is called beta glucan. This has been shown to slow the rate of absorption of carbohydrates while limiting your appetite during your day so you’re not craving any sugary snacks.



6. Boiled Potatoes

Potato, Food, Ingredient, Plant, Natural foods

Similarly to eggs, people avoid potatoes due to their high carbohydrate ‘bad reputation’. However, this doesn’t need to happen. Potatoes are actually very healthy dependent on how they’re cooked – basically, don’t fry them! Potatoes have a resistant starch, which is similar to soluble fiber in your digestive system. This means that you’ll feel fuller quicker and gain less calories.

There’s also a little tip that can help – cooking your potatoes and then letting them cool increases this level of resistant starch. If you do this again and again, it continues to increase. This could also help you to spread your food costs, as you can make the most of your leftovers!



7. Popcorn

Wonderland Food, Kettle corn, Food, Popcorn, Flower, Plant, Ingredient, Yellow

Last, but certainly not least, we have popcorn. If you’re craving something salty like chips then you should instead reach for some popcorn. The whole grain is low in calories and high in fiber. Popcorn is also mostly made up of air, so it will fill you up more quickly than chips.

However, opt for the air popped popcorn instead of the popcorn you can make in the microwave bag. These often contain fake butter, which is a toxic additive. The bags themselves are also lined with carcinogenic chemicals. But if you have a lovely bowl of air popped popcorn, then there are plenty of healthy ways that you can make it taste even better that you may not have thought of! You’re not just limited to salt or butter or sugar. You can instead opt for garlic, olive oil, avocado oil, oregano, tomato powder or even parmesan.

If you’re trying to lose weight or if you want to hold onto your current weight, adding the above foods into your diet could change your life. We hear of fad diets that don’t make any difference at all, as they make too drastic changes that aren’t healthy or tasty. But if you focus on eating foods that you like and are easy to make, it will make it a more bearable task.

Opt for foods that are high in fiber, volume (such as air-popped popcorn or the water in apple segments) and protein while also being low in calories and saturated fat and you’ll be slimming down in no time.