10 Common Myths About Multivitamins Everybody Believes (2 of 6)

Tableware, Tableware, Drinkware, Liquid, Cup, Gesture

Myth 2: Unless I’m tired or sick, I’ll be fine without them

You might have this idea that vitamins are only needed as a quick picker-upper or when you’re feeling like crap, but, surprise, you are so, so wrong, guys! Just like anything in life, routine is key, and that’s especially true when it comes to multivitamins. So take them every day to get the most out of the benefits. 

Hand, Fluid, Gesture

Myth 3: When I miss a day, taking a double dose is a totally awesome lifehack! 

Goodness, folks. What’s the matter with you? While the body is good at storing vitamin B12, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, and most other nutrients need to be replenished on a daily basis. Taking a second pill to make up for missing yesterday is as logical as scoring a couple of extra goals in today’s soccer match to win the previous match you lost.