10 Common Myths About Multivitamins Everybody Believes (3 of 6)

Hand, Hand, Gesture, Finger

Myth 4: I can take a multivitamin with or without food. Who cares, right?

Au contraire, mon frère! Many of the vitamins you know and love—A, D, E, K and probably Q or maybe that doesn’t exist—are fat-soluble and therefore need to be paired up with some fatty good stuff (bacon, perchance?) in order to ensure proper absorption. Furthermore, take a vitamin on an empty stomach for digestive discomfort, and you might just find yourself with a nasty case of digestive discomfort, and we certainly can’t have that now, can we? 

قرص کوالی فول, Joint, Hand, Shoulder, Arm, Facial expression, Muscle, Tableware, Neck, Plant, Textile

Myth 5: I’m going to wait until I’m pregnant before I start taking multivitamins. 

Ladies, while we aren’t downplaying the extreme importance of taking a multivitamin during your pregnancy, it’s just as essential to take supplements even before conception. “But…but…but why?” you ask, scratching your head in utter bafflement. The simple matter is, that inadequate folic acid levels can lead to neural tube defects in the developing fetus, okay? Are we clear? Good!