30 Most Powerful Fat Burning Fruits (4 of 10)

Natural Cake Preservatives, Food, Rangpur, Fruit, Meyer lemon, Citrus, Ingredient


It’s common knowledge that lemons are great for detoxifying. Lemons work wonders as liver detoxifiers, and having a healthy liver means being able to maintain the ability to digest food and burn fat. Lemons also prevent the accumulation of fat in the body.
Fruit, Food, Fruit, Natural foods, Ingredient, Staple food


Nectarines, a.k.a. peaches can help fight metabolic syndrome, obesity, and diabetes. Stone fruits, in general, can effectively regulate our fat-gene expression since they contain very little fructose but when ripe are extremely sweet. They are also rich in vitamins A and C and low in calories.
Pear Farm, Food, Plant, Green, Staple food, Natural foods, Fruit


Similar to other citrus fruits, pears are naturally rich in fiber and potassium. This makes them heavy and fills us quicker, meaning we partake in smaller quantities of food. Pears are also beneficial in combating bloating and controlling cholesterol levels.