Early Signs of Macular Degeneration and How to Act on Them (2 of 3)

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Risk Factors

There are various risk factors that can increase the likelihood of developing macular degeneration. Here are some of them:

Age. Macular degeneration is more common in people over 50, and the risk increases as you grow older.

Genetics. If you have a family history of macular degeneration, you are more likely to get it yourself.

Smoking. Smoking is a significant risk factor for AMD and can greatly increase the chances of developing the disease.

Obesity. Keeping a healthy weight and living an active life may make it less likely that you will get AMD.

Race. Caucasians are at a higher risk of developing macular degeneration compared to other ethnic groups.

Cardiovascular disease. A history of heart disease or stroke can also increase the risk of AMD. It is important to take care of any risk factors for heart disease with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Macular Degeneration Doctor

Prevention and Management

Preventing and managing macular degeneration requires a proactive approach to maintaining eye health. While there is currently no cure for AMD, taking the following steps can help slow its progression:

Schedule regular eye exams. Your eye doctor can spot early signs of AMD and monitor any changes in your eye health over time.

Kick the habit. Quit smoking to significantly reduce your risk of developing AMD.

Feed your eyes. A healthy diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids can help your eyes stay healthy and may even slow the progression of AMD.

Stay active. Regular exercise will help you keep a healthy weight and blood pressure, which will lower your chance of getting AMD.

Wear sunglasses. Shield your eyes from harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses that block out 100% of UVA and UVB radiation.

Stay vigilant. Monitor your vision and use an Amsler grid to detect any changes or abnormalities in your central field of vision. Early detection can make a big difference in slowing the progression of AMD.