Ditch the Junk Food: 7 Tips to Control Your Cravings (2 of 5)

Fat Nutrients, Food, Plant, Tableware, Ingredient, Natural foods, Fruit, Dishware, Recipe, Cuisine

2. Eat healthy fats

For the longest time, it was drilled into our minds that an ideal diet was one that was very low in fat. However, we now recognize that fat is not only important for keeping us full, it actually keeps us fit when we’re choosing the right fats. You would want to keep saturated fats to a minimum and eliminate trans fats altogether, but olive oil, avocados, fatty fish like salmon, and nuts are essential for protecting the heart. But as the saying goes, enjoy in moderation.

Incomplete Protein, Food, Tableware, Ingredient, Recipe, Cuisine

3. Eat enough protein

There are so many reasons why you should get enough protein on a daily basis. For one thing, protein is necessary to maintain strong muscles. Protein also keeps you feeling full versus other macronutrients like carbs, which can actually trigger hunger. Lean cuts of poultry, pork and beef go great with anything. If you enjoy fish, pollock and cod contain tons of protein. Nuts, beans and broccoli will also keep you from raiding the cupboards for cookies.