Ditch the Junk Food: 7 Tips to Control Your Cravings (3 of 5)

Snack Saludables Fruta, Food, Hand, Tableware, Strawberry, Ingredient, Fruit, Natural foods, Recipe, Plant, Strawberries

4. Choose fruit instead of candy

If you’re craving something sweet, opting for a piece of fruit is infinitely better than snarfing down a candy bar. Fruits are packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Consuming an apple or banana regulates your blood sugar (which prevents the sugar crash), and it can help wean you yourself off of foods that contain processed sugar.

Vegetable, Food, Ingredient, Recipe, Cuisine

5. Color up your life (or at least your food)

If you’re eating the same things everyday, you are bound to get bored, and as a result you will lose motivation to maintain healthy eating habits. Add some variety by replacing the lettuce in your salad with spinach or collard greens. Instead of having tuna all the time, switch things up with a tilapia filet or trout. A diverse, colorful diet containing red beets, orange carrots and purple potatoes helps fend off cancer and other health problems.