11 Habits To Make Your Skin… Simply Ideal (3 of 4)

Have A Plain Toothpaste

Pasta De Dente Tem Cálcio, Toothbrush, Brush

You’d think teeth care wouldn’t play a big role in skin care, but it does too. It’s more to do with the chemicals found in certain types of toothpaste. Toothpaste that has tartar-control ingredients or added flavors (think cinnamon-flavored toothpaste) can lead to a pretty common skin condition called perioral dermatitis.

Perioral dermatitis is basically pimples, redness, and scaling that wraps around the mouth. Clearly it’s not a pretty sight, though you can remove that entirely by going for the most plain toothpaste.

Also, if you’ve noticed that you do have that, contact a dermatologist, as they’ll have some antibiotics that’ll clear it up.



Be Mindful Of Sun Exposure Indoors

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We all know that UV rays can cause problems to our skin. That’s why we use sunscreen in order to protect ourselves from the sunrays. But often we only use that during days at the beach or when we’re spending a lot of time outdoors. People don’t always think that the UV rays can reach them indoors.

Well, as you might’ve guessed, they are able to get into your house and they can cause damage to your skin if you’re not careful. This also applies to car windows as well.

In fact, there are a number of studies that have found higher rates of skin cancer will appear on the left side of the face and upper body of a person than on the right side. The reason? Because that’s where the sun is hitting you the most when you’re driving.

Aside from cancer, this same holds true for those who experience wrinkles or other sun damage.

To prevent this, you don’t need to apply sunscreen to your skin all the time. All you really need is a moisturizer with a SPF.



Monitor Dairy Intake

Sperm Spilled, Liquid, Azure, Fluid, Gesture

This tip is more for those prone to get acne. One study from Harvard School of Public Health found some interesting aspects of dairy and acne. When comparing teenage girls’ skin conditions, they found that those who were drinking a lot of milk would have higher odds of developing acne compared to those who didn’t drink much of it at all.

This logic is believed by experts to remain true for adult women as well, especially if they are prone to serious breakouts.

When looking at it further, surprisingly skimmed milk is the worst offender of causing acne, rather than the whole milk. Experts aren’t exactly sure why dairy leads to acne, but they suggest that the natural hormones in dairy are to blame. Also, note that the breakouts don’t change if you go for organic milk.

Beyond milk, scientists have also found cottage cheese, instant breakfast drinks, and sherbet to be linked to acne.

While cutting dairy from your diet won’t remove acne entirely, it does make a difference to those who suffer from severe breakouts. And if you are thinking about changing your diet, you can consider alternatives like leafy greens or even a supplement.