11 Habits To Make Your Skin… Simply Ideal (4 of 4)

Note Side Effects Of Your Medicine

Medicine Unsplash

We all take medication, vitamins, and supplements to help us balance our life in some way. The thing is though that we often overlook the various side effects that these pills can cause us.

In most cases, over-the-counter products will have minor side effects, but these can oddly contribute to damaging your skin. According to Jerome Litt, a dermatologist at Beachwood, Ohio, oral contraceptives, antibiotics, fertility drugs, and anti-seizure medications can lead to breakouts.

Beyond that you’ve got antihistamines, diuretics, and some antidepressants that have side effects, which lead to dry skin. There are also other antibiotics, diuretics, and diabetes treatments that leave individuals vulnerable to sun damage.

At the end of the day, people react to different medicine differently, and that’s not to say those things must necessarily happen in your case. That said, if you’ve noticed that you’ve taken any of those things and you’ve felt your skin reacting in ways it wouldn’t normally, it would be wise to contact your physician about it.



Get A Full Night Sleep

Deep Sleep, Leg, Comfort, Wood

The final action you can take is a simple one – just get a full night sleep. When you are sleeping, your skin activates it’s repairing system and starts to heal. You skin can’t really do that while you are awake though. With that in mind, you’ll want to be sleeping more, as it gives your body ample time to repair itself.

Another good incentive to sleep more is by looking at the damages that poor sleep can cause. If you’re sleep-deprived, this often puts more stress on your body. As we’ve mentioned above, stress isn’t good and can lead to skin issues and more breakouts.

One study from China also found sleep-deprivation to be a risk factor to acne among adolescents.

All you need to do is make sure you are getting plenty of shut-eye. What this means is practicing good sleep habits like mitigating blue-light exposure, meditating before going to bed, and actually getting some decent rest.